Clinton County High School, Albany, KY
This floor has first grade maple flooring in the basketball court and Third grade flooring surrounding the court.
Deco Architects/Kyle Choate
Todd County Middle School, Elkton, KY
This floor has a red border, stained lanes & letters in the Center circle.
Kirkwood High School, Clarksville, TN
This floor has on orange border and lanes with a cobra logo in the center circle. The logo is approximately 16' x 16'.
East Robertson High School, Cross Plains, TN
This new gym floor has stained three point Areas and a 30 foot stained tomahawk!
Architect: Lyle ,Cook, Martin |
Centerpointe Place, Clarksville, TN
This is an Amp One gym floor system with the Company logo painted on the floor.
Marshall County High School - Benton, KY
The wood floor was sanded to a smooth surface, sealed, striped and finished. The logos consist of an oversized M and C in the center circle and two basketballs. |

Franklin-Simpson High School - Franklin, KY
We originally installed this floor and have now sanded and finished the floor.The three-point areas have been stained. |
Cumberland County
This gym floor consists of 10,400 square feet in Burkesville, KY. This floor has been redesigned.
ARCHITECT: G.Scott & Associates, Frankfort, KY |

Henderson County High School - Henderson, KY
New wood gym floor with resinous floor on the ends. The resinous floor chips are Black, maroon and Glow in the Dark!

Hart County High School - Munfordville, KY
Special ordered a Winter White maple gym floor. IG Resinous floor is in the kitchen and locker rooms. Herculan walking track is on the second floor of the gym.

Valor High School - Nashville, TN
New wood gym floor and a rubber running track upstairs.

Madison Community Center - Nashville, TN
Madison received a new floating padded wood gym floor and Movement Room, Herculan running track and Reflex Weight Room floor.

Smith Springs Community Center - Nashville, TN
Smith Springs has a new wood gym floor, wood Movement Room, Herculan rubber track and 3/8" rubber Weight Room floor.

McCreary Central High School - Stearns, KY
At MCHS we removed the old floor and replaced it with a padded system. The large mascot in the center circle and the whitewash inside the three point arch really makes the floor pop. ARCHITECT: Ross Tarrant Architects, Lexington, KY |
Jack Daniels Distillery Visitor Center, White Rabbit Room
The Jack Daniels Distillery is located in historic Lynchburg, TN. Every year hundreds of thousands visitors come to tour the Distillery. Jack Daniels began renovating the visitor center in 2014. Conrad Floors replaced the old floor with five-inch wide heart pine. We used a special process to stain the center of the floor to give it a weathered appearance and still have the performance of a brand new floor. |

LaRue Co. Middle School Kitchen, Hodgenville, KY
The LaRue County Middle school kitchen renovation, the school wanted to replace the old tile. Action HERCULAN® IG can go right over existing tile floors as seen here. IG will fill in any voids and grout lines for a seamless finish. Thus needing very little demolition to complete the project. IG is perfect for schools because it can be completed over a weekend. Also there is no odor compared to similar products, which means the IG floor can be installed while students are in the building if the schedule requires. IG is highly wear and stain resistant while requiring no yearly maintenance or wax. |

Owensboro Family YMCA
Years ago Conrad Floors installed the upstairs gym at the Owensboro Family YMCA. We recently sanded the floor, and updated the game lines and logo to give the floor a brand new look. Depending on usage Conrad Floors suggests sanding a gym floor every ten years. On even older floors the game lines may not conform to the current rules and regulations. |

Rossview High School
Rossview High School is in Clarksville, TN. The wood gym floor was sanded to a smooth surface. The letters "Rossview" are natural wood. Their three point area is white washed. |

T.K. Stone Middle School
"T.K.Stone Middle School is located in Elizabethtown, KY |

E.P Tom Sawyer State Park
E.P. Tom Sawyer State Park, Louisville ,KY. This is a 9mm Herculan synthetic floor. The striping is a basketball court, volleyball and four pickleball courts. Pickleball nets are shown in this picture. Pickleball is very popular in this facility. |

Schermerhorn Symphony Center
The Symphony Hall is between Third and Fourth Streets in downtown, Nashville, TN. The stage flooring is a beautiful solid brazilian cherry. Spiral lifts can make this stage floor three tiered. Brazilian cherry flooring is also in the Orchestra level seating. |

Country Music Hall of Fame
Nashville is proud of their country music. This three inch wide maple flooring is located on the third floor of the museum. |
